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Children's Book 絵本「しまうまシリーズ」
2008年出版の『どうぶつびょういん』以来続く、しまうまの子供が主人公の人気シリーズ。自分らしく生きることの尊さ、違った個性の仲間たちと共に過ごす上での大切な気づきを、各本の読み切りのお話の中で伝えています。子どもから大人まで楽しめ、普遍的なテーマの児童絵本は、海外でも翻訳出版されています。The popular series of Tobii's authored children's book featuring a child zebra as a main charactor is called "Shimauma series" started with Doubutsu Byouin in 2008. Each book of the series is complete one story, sends message about the preciousness of being yourself, important awareness to appreciate the diversity of your fellows who you live with. The Shimauma series are published not only in Japan, but also in China and Korea in translated version. Regardless the age and nationality, readers can enjoy the universal message of each story.
Other Authors その他の著作本
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